SECTION 1.             Changes in v1.6

Section 1.1.            About this Document

1.1.1. Purpose

This document provides a brief overview of the changes made between V1.5 and V1.6 of hub2, along with where further details of each change can be found within the updated functional specification, in addition to a listing of completed bug fixes and outstanding known issues.

Section 1.2.            Fixed Issues

The following are a list of issues reported in previously releases that have been fixed in v1.6 of hub2.

1.2.1.      Fixed Issues


Title [sic]



Tag ITR – Task Header in preview doesn’t match generated PDF

In the PDF Version of a Tag ITR, the header of the Task List read “Description of Checks” while the on-screen preview shown when creating or previewing the document onscreen read “Description of Task”.

This has now been changed so both say “Description of Task”.


No validation on Document Task Link when nothing is selected

While editing Digital Documents a validation message should appear when saving a Document Link if the source and target are both blank.

This message was not appearing but this has now been fixed and a validation message appears as intended.


Digital Document – Task Numbers are shown over two rows

When viewing a Digital Document onscreen the Task Numbers are sometimes presented over two rows. 

This has now been fixed and the number should always appear on one row.

NB. On very small screens this may still be an issue due to the large amount of information being shown on a small screen.


Import Log: Deleted Colour should go over the full row.

The Import Summary has been changed so the full row is highlighted when a record has been deleted.


Section 1.3.            Known Issues

A full list of Known Issues can be found at

Section 1.4.            Features

The following functionality has been added in v1.5. 

Items listed under Technical should have no impact on functionality and therefore are not described in this document.

The items under Functional change or add functionality to hub2, a brief description of this change is given with details on where to find further information in the Functional Specification for this version.

The following functionality has been added in v1.6. 

Items listed under Technical should have no impact on functionality

The items under Functional change or add functionality to hub2, a brief description of this change is given with details on where to find further information in the Functional Specification for this version.


·         Import Optimisation

·         Cosmos Shard Key Change for History


·         Additional Fields in Procedures

·         Preservation Digital Documents

·         Service Details

·         Custom Fields for Procedures

·         Punch List Assignment

·         Authorised Person / Discipline Allocation

·         Document References for Generated Documents

·         Change Tracking Custom Fields

·         Ex Rated Tags

·         On Screen Skyline Report

·         Full Page Progress Report

·         Description Lengths increased

·         Comment field on Punch List Items

1.4.1. Additional Fields in Procedure

The following new fields have been added to the Procedure section



Procedure Type

New Reference Table

Procedure Document Status

New Reference Table


Limit 2000 Characters


New Reference Table


Existing Reference Table – Discipline


Existing Reference Table – Phase

Procedure Category

New Reference Table – Alias-able



Prepared By

Existing Reference Table – Authorised Person

Prepared Date


Checked By

Existing Reference Table – Authorised Person

Checked Date


Issued By

Existing Reference Table – Authorised Person

Issued Date


Reviewed By

Existing Reference Table – Authorised Person

Reviewed Date


Transmittal Number

Limit 100 Characters

Planned Start Date


Planned Finish Date


Actual Start Date


Procedure Completion Status

New Reference Table

Additional Information

Limit 4000 Characters

Procedure Drawings

Existing Reference Table – Drawing – Multiple associations

Procedure Prerequisite Procedures

Existing Table – Procedure – Multiple associations


1.4.2. Preservation Digital Documents

Full Details: Section 28.3.1 – Reference Tables, Section 28.3.4 Tag PWL View, Section 28.4.2 – PWL Entity & Section 28.4.3 – Tag PWL Entity

Digital Documents have been extended to included Preservation Work Lists (PWLs). This allows configuration and completion of Preservation activities to be achieved via a paperless process, offering increases in efficiency and information timeliness.

Please note, it is still possible to use the traditional DOTX approach if desired, on a per PWL basis, providing a flexible configuration that can suit all requirements.

1.4.3. Service Details

Full Details: Section 13.3 – Reference Table Entities & Section 17.2.2 Tag Add and Edit

The following new tables and fields have been added against the Tag section.

·         Skills

·         Work Groups

·         Service Details

A new table has also been added: This allows one or multiple Service Details to be associated directly with a Tag.

1.4.4. Custom Fields for Procedures

Full Details: Section 42 – Custom Fields (Section 42.3.6 – Procedure Custom Value Entity)

Custom Fields have been extended to include Procedures. This allows user defined information to be stored alongside the standard fields.

Once configured (by authorised users) the fields integrate seamlessly and can be utilised in exactly the same way as normal fields.

Custom Fields provide the ability to respond quickly to new information storage requirements and avoid the costs involved with bespoke database modifications.

1.4.5. Punch List Assignment

Full Details: Section 35 – Assignment & Section 31.3.2 – Punch List Item Entity

Punch List Items can be assigned to individual Authorised Persons through a new field on Punch List Items: “Assigned To”. When a Punch List Item is assigned to an Authorised Person with an associated user, that user receives a notification by email informing them of the assignment. Notifications can be disabled via a setting at Level C.

This extends the Assignment functionality that was added to Tag ITRs in v1.5.

1.4.6. Authorised Person / Discipline Allocation

Full Details: Section – Authorised Persons Permissions

It is now possible to allocate Disciplines to Authorised Persons, further ensuring information is managed correctly and consistently by authorised personnel with expertise in the appropriate area.

1.4.7. Document References for Generated Documents

Full Details in: Section – Tag ITR Entity, Section – Handover Entity, Section – Tag Q Pack Entity, Section – MOC Entity, Section – Tag PWL Entity, Section – Punch List Item Entity, Section (tables for Handover, MOC, Punch List Item, Tag ITR, Tag PWL and Tag Q Pack)

All the documentation related items in hub2 (Tag ITR, Tag PWL, MOC, Handovers, Tag Q Packs and Punch List Items) now have an additional field: Document Reference. This field is intended to be used to store the reference number generated by a Project’s document management system or solution.

1.4.8. Change Tracking Custom Fields

Full Details in: Section 42.2.6 – Data Change Logging Custom Fields

Any changes to Custom Fields will now be tracked in the change log for the corresponding item. This ensures Custom Fields provide the same assurance and audit trail as standard fields.

1.4.9. Ex Rated Tags

Full Details in: Section 13.3.7-13.3.11 – Ex Reference Tables & Section 16.3.1 – Tagged Item Entity

The ability to mark Tags as Ex Rated has been added to hub2, along with the following related reference tables:



Ex Zone

New Reference Table

Ex Certifying Body

New Reference Table

Ex Rated Model

New Reference Table

Ex Protection Level

New Reference Table

Ex IP Rating

New Reference Table

Table 1.                 New Fields against Tag when Tag is marked as Ex Rated

Once a Tag has been categorised as Ex Rated, the ability to associate information in the tables above will appear on the Tag.

1.4.10.  On Screen Skyline Report

Full Details: Section 41.3 - Skyline

A larger version of the On-Screen Skyline has been added to the reports page, allowing quick and easy visual assessment of progress.

1.4.11.  Full Page Planned Vs Actual Progress Report

Full Details: Section 41.4 - Planned Vs Actual

A version of the Progress Report has been added to the reports menu, allowing the progress vs actual report to be viewed in a large format.  This Report can be run using the dates of any of the available Handovers except Level E Handovers.

1.4.12.  Description Lengths increased

The length of all Description fields throughout hub2 has been increased to 255 characters.

1.4.13.  Comment field on Punch List Items

Full Details: Section 31.3.2 - Punch List Item Entity

A Comment field has been added against Punch List Items allowing Comments to be inserted directly against the Punch List Item.